
Monthly Guest Blogger: Dr. Andrew Fell

With summer just around the corner, the warmer weather has a way of getting people outside and active. There’s no doubt this is beneficial for health, state of mind and general wellbeing, however the increased activity also comes with an increased risk of common injuries. Sprains and strains are more likely to occur when we jump into a new activity, especially if we’re not conditioned. It’s important to know that injuries can occur even in low-risk activities like gardening, golf and tennis.

Let’s take a look at five of the most common injuries so you can reduce your chances of sustaining injuries this over the coming period.

Rotator Cuff

Rotator cuff injuries are most often the result of repetitive strains over a long period of time. Rotator cuff problems cause pain with shoulder movement, especially when reaching up. The problem is common in those who perform repeated overhead activities like swimming, tennis, painting and carpentry. Reduce the likelihood of these injuries by limiting overhead activities and regularly stretching your interscapular and shoulder girdle.

Non-Specific Neck & Back Pain

Just about any outdoor activity poses a risk to your spine. Combine activity with poor form or abnormal posture and you can see quickly the additional strain that your neck and back may undergo. Sports such as Golf, Tennis and Lawn bowls can significantly influence the integrity of the lumbar spine. If you experience symptoms such as muscle tightness, referred pain, stiffness and Sciatica then consult with your Chiropractor for appropriate assessment and management options.

Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)

There must be something in the warmer air that makes people think they’re great tennis players! Or perhaps it’s the Australian Open that encourages us to dust off our old rackets. If you’re unconditioned for particular activities like Tennis than it’s important to slowly re-introduce these tasks before jumping head first into regular games. Tennis Elbow is a common term for elbow pain caused by overuse of arm, forearm, and hand. Activities involving repetitive wrist extension are a well-known cause of this condition, like tennis, carpentry, knitting, or lifting objects with your palm facing down.

Knee Pain

Hands up if you’re carrying a few additional kilograms than this time last year? Now’s that time of year that you see the weekend warriors pounding the pavement in an attempt to get that summer body ready. Unfortunately, running on hard surfaces isn’t a great idea at the best of times. ‘Runner’s knee’ produces characteristic dull pain behind the kneecap. The condition often results from an imbalance of the muscles that control the thigh and knee. This condition is aggravated by prolonged walking, running, squatting, jumping, stair climbing or arising from a seated position.

Plantar Fasciitis

So you’ve been running and you knee feels good but that sole of your foot is killing you! If it’s not one the other will get you. Plantar Fasciitis is a common injury. The pain usually occurs near the heel and is caused from overstretching the fibrous band of tissue on the bottom of your foot. We frequently see this condition in runners. This problem, like the others, often results from too much activity, too long or too fast.

Combat These Common Injuries

Initially it may be necessary for you to minimize activities that provoke your pain. Then, conservative care, like the type provided by Chiropractors is generally successful at relieving your symptoms.

Chiropractors can provide many different options to help you feel better quickly:

  • Therapy modalities to ease your muscle tightness, pain and swelling.
  • Myofascial release to remove your long – standing tightness.
  • Therapeutic stretching to restore your flexibility.
  • Gentle manipulation to restore movement to tight or restricted joints.


If you, or someone you know, is suffering with pain ask them to call their Chiropractor today. Chiropractors have the knowledge and tools to help you get back to the active summer lifestyle that you love!

Additional information about Dr. Andrew Fell can be found here.
