
Do Chiropractors Promise Too Much?

Building relationships either professional or personal is a big thing. One of the most important aspects of this is trust. Trust can propel your career or your life if you demonstrate characteristics that people admire or it can sink them if you don’t. Personally I feel that one of the most important ingredients for building trust as well as a successful Chiropractic practice is to be open, up-front and treat your clients with the level of respect that they deserve. A question that I regularly consider is whether Chiropractors promise too much?

I am extremely proud of the work and rapport that we have with our local community. We wouldn’t have been able to achieve this if we promised our many clients too much and under delivered on results. Perhaps we aren’t like many Chiropractic clinics because we ‘tell is like it is.’ We don’t rattle on about ‘pinched nerves‘ nor do we lock you in a room and make you watch a video about how Chiropractic might save your life. We consistently deliver on what we say we will, by doing this we align ourselves with our actions and our clients know what they can rely upon us for.

Do Chiropractors Promise Too Much?

From time to time you hear nightmare stories of practitioners (not only Chiropractors) making outrageous claims and promises. Perhaps the worst I’ve heard was a therapist who suggested he could cure cancer. This of course preys on the vulnerable who would be willing to do anything to see him. If it sounds too good to be true – it usually is! Chiropractors are fantastic for managing and providing effective treatment options for musculoskeletal related complaints. While I’m not going to discount the potential benefit that we may play for organic problems such as colic, asthma and ear infections it is important to be wary of Chiropractors that promise relief from these such as problems. To date there appears to be little evidence to support the value of spinal manipulative therapy for systemic conditions. Again, false promises can have dire consequences to the unsuspecting.

Keep An Open Mind But Be Wary

As always it is important to have a thorough discussion with whoever your chosen practitioner is regarding your problem. Seek alternative opinions and decide the most appropriate direction for you.
