
The Best Exercises For Sciatica Nerve Pain

Sciatica is the term used to describe nerve pain that is felt in the back of the leg.The Sciatic nerve originates from the spinal nerves in the lumbar spine and travels through the lower back, buttock and down both left and right legs to terminate in the feet. Sciatica nerve pain is often debilitating and people often describe it as suffering in absolute agony. Today we will be reviewing some of the best exercises for Sciatica nerve pain that you can perform at home to assist with reducing pain severity.

Sciatica typically presents in one leg at a time and may involve symptoms such as intense back pain, numbness, weakness, tingling, twitching and a burning sensations described like a tooth ache.

Major Causes Of Sciatica Nerve Pain

  • The most common cause is a herniated lumbar disc. When intervertebral discs undergo injury they may bulge and put direct pressure upon the lumbar spinal nerves.
  • Degenerative spinal changes such as Arthritis may directly influence the spinal cord and associated spinal nerves.
  • Trauma such as motor vehicle accidents, falls and hits may cause nerve interference
  • Muscular and soft tissue spasm of the gluteals may mimic signs of Sciatica
  • Abnormal spinal deformity such as Spondylolisthesis and spinal stenosis
  • Particular nutritional deficiencies or toxicities may mimic nerve pain and its important to consult with an appropriately trained nutritional expert in these circumstances

What Are The Best Exercises For Sciatica Nerve Pain?

  • While not an exercise, but one of the best ways to reduce pain associated with Sciatica is to consult with a Chiropractor or manual therapist such as a Physiotherapist so they can appropriately examine your lower back. This ensures that you receive an accurate diagnosis as well as the best possible treatment methods to combat you problem. Chiropractors specifically address Sciatica nerve problems with spinal manipulative therapy, stretches and home exercises.
  • Get down on the floor and do some general lumbopelvic mobility stretches. Stretching is a fantastic way to reduce nerve tension and mobilize spinal joints. Typical stretches include holding both knee’s at your chest, rolling both legs across your body (side to side) and a deep gluteal or piriformis stretch. Youtube is a good reference for specific stretches.
  • Progressing to appropriate core activation and stability exercises ensures that your deep abdominal muscles support your lower spine properly. This goes a long way to reducing the incidence of further or re-injury. Core stability exercises are not like working on your six-pack. Speak to an exercise professional or your Chiropractor to review appropriate exercises.

What Else Can You Do?

  • Use physiological therapeutic aids such as heat and ice to reduce pain
  • Use anti-inflammatory medications or potent anti-inflammatory foods such as Tumeric
  • Consult with your family general practitioner to investigate whether surgical intervention or steroidal injections may be appropriate for you case.

Additional information can be found here.
