Health News

Monthly Guest Blogger: Dr. Philip Cordova

How healthy would you like to be? Just “not sick” or would you really like to achieve higher levels of health? Too often we accept a lower standard of health when we could function so much better than we do. While your goals don’t necessarily need to include running a marathon or climbing a mountain, it could be as simple as just living life to its fullest. Feeling like you want to get up and do activity instead of going through a pot of coffee each morning just to stay awake (even though staying awake is a great goal too).

Demand Health

Those that expect a high level of health tend to achieve it. I find that these individuals have a low tolerance for feeling bad and really evaluate their recent choices if and when they do start to feel bad. When they’ve a bad day, they’ll ask questions like, “What did I eat yesterday?” “When’s the last time I got adjusted?” “Maybe I need to start adding in more stretching to my workouts?” They have these thoughts, and want to continually improve and strive for a quality lifestyle. It’s this thought process that causes them to build up some health reserve and prevent illness or future surgeries.

What Level Of Health Do You Accept?

Those that accept feeling bad tend to ignore ways to get healthy. Those that accept feeling bad ask different questions when they don’t feel well. They ask, “What can I take right now to stop feeling like this?” “I guess this is what ‘getting older’ feels like?” “This food won’t make me feel that sick, I should enjoy myself right?” We often do community outreach events, sharing Chiropractic and ways to help people get healthier. Some people see us and the response can be, “Oh, I always wanted to see a Chiropractor but didn’t know if they could help me with my problem!” A conversation follows and we talk about how we might be able to help.

Start Taking The Small Steps

What if, instead, you started taking small steps to get healthier. Don’t want to change your entire diet? Start with one healthy meal. Then add in a few more during the week. What can you do right now to start exercising? Maybe it’s time to put some air in the bicycle tires or take a walk during lunch. In order for change to happen, you have to take action. That means doing something as soon as possible (like right now) to move you onto the correct path. You can decide whatever you want to do, but nothing will happen until you take some sort of action. Just taking that first step towards better health can be a huge effort, but it can and will get easier the more steps you take. Doing things in an extreme way may produce faster results, but it won’t produce lasting results, and that’s what you want. Dr. Philip Cordova is a Chiropractor & speaker on health, wellness and Chiropractic topics. Learn more about Dr. Philip by clicking here.